Photo credit: Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

Mayen Pane
Trained in graphic design, I started my career as an art director in advertising agencies (we didn’t have computers when I began; we sketched and hand-lettered everything!). Various regional and global level marketing and communication roles in the hospitality and tourism industries then followed.
After moving to Melbourne in 2014 (yes, it was for love), I landed a senior position for a company that was worth over a hundred million dollars, as I found out when it was sold and my job became redundant. I am currently in a beautiful long-distance relationship with Singapore-based Pollyanna Consulting, primarily working on brand strategy and copywriting for small businesses.
The upside of becoming redundant a few years ago was that I could start looking at working with non-profit organisations, taking on project work with Wildlife Victoria and Treeproject Inc. Working in this space is incredibly fulfilling, which is why I’m so excited about Live on Purpose and its potential to change so many lives.
Before the pandemic struck and non-profit organisations had to change the way they worked, I was an enthusiastic weekly volunteer at St Mary’s House of Welcome.

Lynette Lim
Consultant – Lead Generation
I began my career in retail, covering aspects of brand management, marketing, merchandising, retail operations and private label development. This was in the days before eCommerce and social media – real old school (so yes, you can guess my age…!). I worked for a local distributor of an Italian luxury footwear brand, and subsequently ran my own multi-label footwear retail business called SOLE 2 SOLE. After nearly 25 years in the industry, I decided it was time to re-evaluate what I wanted to do with my life.
It wasn’t too soon that the entrepreneurial bug bit again. This time I started Pollyanna Consulting, a boutique digital marketing consultancy specialising in content marketing, branding and lead generation work.
My belief is that with the current digital landscape, what we do isn’t confined to geographical boundaries and if we have a desire to impact lives, there are ways to help us easily achieve our goals. This is why I found it super exciting to work on Live On Purpose and its mission to change lives of individuals and families in need.
Over the years, I’ve found myself going back to causes involving children and seniors; from volunteering as a tutor at the Children’s Aid Society to spending time with elders at the Assisi Home and Hospice. While I am unable to commit to a routine volunteering schedule now as I have to assist in the care of my mother who has Parkinson’s, I still help out where feasible such as with Willing Hearts, a soup kitchen, which prepares over 5,000 meals and distributes them island wide to families and individuals every single day.
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